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Through ePsy, you can book a single session with one of our Therapists, to discuss a specific subject, challenge, or life situation you are facing, in a non-judgemental, safe, and confidential environment.

You can also choose a more long term process, to improve your quality of life, help with a desired change, or plan and discuss life goals with a professional.

Individual therapy can help you with any situation you find challenging or difficult to face alone, from demanding work situations to physical or emotional violence.

- Unresolved Childhood issues

- Life Goals

- Individual Sexual Therapy

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- Self Esteem


- Chronic illness

- Anxiety

- Depression

- Grief and Bereavement

             See our Counsellors specializing in Individual Counselling

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Couples looking to improve their intimacy level, or how they understand one another, can greatly benefit from Couples Counselling.

This form of therapy is helpful for partners having trouble talking to each other, or resolving conflicts, with the goal of a positive outcome for all involved.

Couples Counselling can also make all the difference if you are considering separation or divorce.

- Communicate effectively

- Address and resolve conflict

- Develop friendship in the relation

- Infidelity issues

- Trust issues

- Control issues

     - Family planning

     - Pregnancy and Post-Partum

     - Unresolved prior relationship issues

       See our Counsellors specializing in Couples Counselling

Couples looking to resolve sexual difficulties often find Sexual Therapy can be life changing.  Issues can include performance anxiety, religious issues with sexuality, problems attaining orgasm, loss of desire, and many more.  

Our approach centres around open communication about sexuality between partners, with an attention in resolving issues about past sexual experiences, and improve the sexual part of your life.

- Sexual Dissatisfaction

- Sexual Identity Questions

- Sexuality During or After Pregnancy

- Painful Intercourse

- Erectile Dysfunction

- Ejaculation Issues

- Infidelity Issues and Trust

- Pornography Addiction

- Sexual Abuse

         See our counsellors specializing in Sexual Counselling

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Raising strong, well adjusted children within a loving relationship, a harmonious reconstituted family, or as a fulfilled single parent, has never been an easy process.  

And with the realities of our modern world, it has not been made easier.

Family Counselling can be a great tool to help navigate the ever-changing sea of family life.

- Teen Dating or Pregnancy

- Body Shaming

- Addictions (Games, Medias, …)

- Child Behaviour Difficulties

- Sibling Interaction Issues

- Bullying

- Sexual or Gender Identity Questions

- Chronic Illness or Death in the Family

- Separation or Divorce

        See our Counsellors specializing in Family Counselling

When the separation or divorce decision has been made, counselling can be very helpful to find closure, deal with unresolved issues that could affect future relationships, and part on amicable terms.

And if your family includes children, Divorce Counselling can help to create a custody agreement that respect every member of the family, and allows families to keep their children surrounded by support.

- Helping your Spouse Accept your Decision

- Dealing with the Sadness and Depression

- Grieving the Relation and Unrealized Plans

- Anger Issues

- Financial troubles

- Power Struggles

- Custody Decisions

- Helping Children Deal with this Change

- Dealing with this Major Life Adjustment

           See our Counsellors specializing in Divorce Counselling

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If you prefer to work through issues in a group setting, or if your budget is more limited, you are sure to find a group that will suit your needs on ePsy.  

All our Therapies are based on respect, inclusion, and building real progress toward the concrete results our your choosing.

- Conquering Social Anxiety

- Gender Questioning or Transitioning

- Overcoming Depression

- Narcotics Addiction

- Sex Addiction

- Emotional Dependancy

- Grief Support

- Coping with Chronic Illness

- Support for Sufferers Families

          See our Counsellors specializing in Group Counselling

Whether your court mandated therapy is to get back your driver's license, to get visitation with your child, to learn control of your emotions and behaviours, or for any other reason, our certified and recognized therapists can help you attain your goal.

- To Regain a Driver’s License

- For Help with Alcohol Abuse

- For Help with Substance Abuse

- As a Condition of Probation

- For Mental Health Questions

- To Get Child Visitation Rights

- Alternatives to Violent Behaviours

- Treat Incestuous Behaviours

- For Help with Suicidal Ideation

              See our Therapists specializing in Court Mandated Therapy

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